Friday, June 27, 2008


Overlooking the Sea of Galilee
Dave and I are preparing to head back to the States in just under three weeks. Who would have thought we’d be approaching our ninth year overseas. There have been days when that wouldn’t have sounded like good news. But by God’s grace we were able to put one foot in front of the other and here we are at another milestone, packing up and heading home for six months. I may throw a party. You’re all invited!

We’ve recently returned from a Member Care trip to Jordan and Israel and also led a small training here in the Gulf. Member care needs in general have accelerated recently. We’re so grateful to have another member care couple on board. It’s hard to imagine how we ever did this without them. I think all four of us would now like to imagine six of us doing this job. Life is not getting easier over here and that may be true everywhere. Local authorities have forced more dear friends to leave a country where they have worked for many years. Others are encountering outward opposition with tighter restrictions surrounding their lives and work and still others fight on different fronts where the enemy is attacking their health, family or teams. I realize, I’m describing our work in the broadest terms but I’m hoping that it will be a reminder to support all our friends in the most important way you can.

Dave and I are excited about seeing many of you while we’re in the States. We look forward to the sweet companionship of friends and family. I also predict that we’ll be seeking out shade trees, lawn chairs and quiet places. We’ve traveled so much, seen so much and heard so much. It’s time for an oil change. We’re rattling. (Too bad we can’t afford bodywork and a paint job!) Dave will no doubt find his golf clubs and fishing pole. I’ll wonder through bookstores, read to my heart’s content and probably stare off into the distance for a creepy long time. We’re tired. But we’re also grateful and want to ‘keep on keeping on’ as long as we can still put one foot in front of the other. Thanks for all the ways you’ve helped us do that…Sara for Dave too

Items to lift up:
1. Ask for an extra measure of protection, grace and strength for our MC co-laborers, Jerry & Kathy, who will cover the needs of the whole region while we are gone.
2. Continue to ask the Father to provide a car for us to use during our time in the US.
3. Remember families in transition having been forced to leave their countries by local governments. Ask for His peace, patience and clear direction.

Dave by the Sea of Galilee

Guess what came to our neighborhood? Krispy Kreme (in Arabic)